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Stone Conservation

Natural stone has been used for centuries on everything from building masonry through sculptures and monuments to exceptional carved architectural ornamentation.

When deciding on the appropriate methods and level of conservation, the properties and purpose of the stone is incredibly important. The aesthetics and legibility of the ornament can be equally as significant. Limestone, marble and alabaster are the perfect example of types of natural stone that will all require very different cleaning and conservation methods.


As well as the long-term preservation, we will always aim to ensure the overall aesthetics of the structure. We are able to identify and provide solutions to the causes of deterioration and decay and for every project, building and object an individual and unique treatment plan is developed and agreed based on initial investigation, analysis, research and initial trials prior to any work commencing.


We are able to undertake a variety of different projects from a single step to entire building façades comprising a wide range of services.

The cleaning of stonework can involve the removal of dirt and surface deposits including organic growth, sulphation and graffiti or the treatment or removal of ferrous metals, unsuitable previous repairs or inappropriate paints and surface coatings which can be disfiguring and accelerate the rate of deterioration.

The stabilisation of stonework can include surface consolidation, grouting, pinning and capping whilst larger losses can be repaired with indents or armatures and haired lime mortar. Traditional and hot lime mortars are also used for repointing and protective sheltercoats.

Ferrous Metal
Paint Removal
Organic Growth
Water Traps
Cement Removal
Mortar Repairs
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Hot Limes
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