Aldis & May
Conservation and Restoration
'Specialists in the conservation and preservation of historic buildings and monuments'
Polychromy & Wallpaintings
Polychromy and wallpaintings including frescos, seccos and murals can be found on a variety of substrates with different binding agents, pigments and techniques. Their conservation requires knowledge and understanding of the building fabric as a whole and we therefore take a holistic approach when deciding on the appropriate methods, mortar mixes and level of conservation required which includes the plaster substrate and coatings.
As well as the long-term preservation, we will always aim to ensure the overall aesthetics of the structure and match any repairs to the original. We are able to identify and provide solutions to the causes of deterioration and decay and for every project, building and object an individual and unique treatment plan is developed and agreed based on initial investigation, analysis, research and initial trials prior to any work commencing.
We are able to undertake a variety of different projects from small localised plaster repairs, cleaning and consolidation of painted walls and ceilings to the removal of overpaint and uncovering and treatment of entire murals comprising a wide range of techniques.
Prior to any remedial conservation taking place we can undertake full photographic documentation, mapping and monitoring. The cleaning of polychromy and wall paintings can include the removal of dirt and surface deposits, the removal of failed or inappropriate paint systems, surface coatings and discoloured varnishes as well as unsuitable previous repairs which can be disfiguring and cause deterioration to the underlying layers.
The consolidation and stabilisation of wallpaintings and polychromy involves not only the surface consolidation of flaking, crazed and friable paint and gilding but can include structural and substrate repair, grouting and fills to losses and cracks. Losses can be then be retouched or toned in as appropriate using techniques such as aqua sporca, trattegio, tonal colours and reintergration.